Whole Grain Pasta
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Tortellini Gorgonzola
トルテリーニ ゴルゴンゾーラ
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Rigatoni Zuccati
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Spaghetti Marinara
マリナーラ スパゲッティ
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
BBQ Special Pizza
BBQ ピザ
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Spe. Cheesy Cheese
チェリーチーズ ピザ
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Mushroom Chilly Pizza
マッシュルーム チリ ピザ
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Chicken Special
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Lunch Menu:All ¥1,000
Bruschetta Classico
Roasted eggplant spread, marinat
Parmesan Bread
パルメザンチーズ ブレッド
Ratione, nostrum mus hic harum aptent at quae sapien illo
Banana Waffles
バナナ ワッフル
Ratione, nostrum mus hic harum aptent at quae sapien illo
Cheese Garlic Bread
チーズガーリック ブレッド
Roasted eggplant spread, marinat
Cottage Cheese Fusilli
カッテージチーズ フジッリ
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8
Whole Grain Pasta
Roasted eggplant spread, marinated tomatoes with garlic & fresh basil 8